Supporting Student Wellbeing


As an Act-Belong-Commit school, Karratha Primary School encourages its students, staff and community members to lead an active, healthy life; belong to a group or organisation; and commit to a cause. This message is promoted regularly through the special events held at the school.



Be You

Our school implements Be You. Be You is a national initiative for educators, aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children and young people. Be You has five domains:

  • Mentally healthy communities
  • Family partnerships
  • Learning resilience
  • Early support
  • Responding together


Zones of Regulation

Karratha Primary School uses the Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum which teaches students to build awareness of their feelings and internal state and use a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness. The Zones of Regulation provides a common language to support positive mental health, while serving as an inclusion strategy for neurodiverse learners, those who have experienced trauma, and/or have specific needs in terms of social, emotional, and behavioural development.


Aussie of the Month

The Aussie of the Month is awarded each month to students who consistently demonstrate a focus virtue. Students are nominated and voted on by staff, with a junior, middle and upper primary finalist awarded as Aussies of the Month. This is recognised at each assembly, and photos are displayed in the school foyer. 


Protective Behaviours Education

Karratha Primary School implements Protective Behaviours Education, as required per the Child Protection in Department of Education Sites Policy and Procedures. Our students engage in learning experiences to:

  • know how to reduce the likelihood of abuse happening to them,
  • seek help if abuse occurs,
  • build resilience and strengthen their wellbeing, and
  • learn and grow in safe environments.